Preparing Your HVAC System for Your Thanksgiving Party - Sun Heating & Cooling, Inc.

Preparing Your HVAC System for Your Thanksgiving Party


Are you hosting a Thanksgiving party this year? Well, you’re probably thinking about the ordeal of making turkey, stuffing, and green bean casserole…but have you thought about preparing your HVAC system for your Thanksgiving party?

“Uh, no,” we’re guessing you’re about to say. So that’s why we’re going to help you with the top three things you should consider that will prepare your HVAC system to be thankful, not vengeful, during your Thanksgiving party!


The more people you have in your house, the harder it is to control the temperature, as you’ve probably experienced before! This is because of two things primarily…you have a hot oven doing its job and more people than usual going in and out of your home. The up and down temperature can be frustrating and uncomfortable.

So how do you keep the temperature regulated and consistent?

We recommend keeping the thermostat turned down a little more than you otherwise would. With the oven at 300 degrees plus, and such a large number of people talking and moving about (hopefully not yelling!), trying to keep out the bitter Michigan cold is not as necessary as usual. Plus, who doesn’t want to save a few bucks on their heating bill?

Clean Air

Solving your home’s temperature battle is one thing. But what about the importance of clean air? Allergies are common as you know and air quality really does matter…not only for your immediate family, but for your extended family and friends. So, what can you do?

Change Your Air Filter!

You know that most air filters are supposed to be changed every 3 months (although some should be changed as often as every month!). So, it’s probably about that time for you, isn’t it? (We know how thankful you are for that reminder! 😉 ) One of the best times to change your air filter is before you have a house full of loved ones! Those with colds and allergies will love you even more…despite a slightly dry turkey!!

Consider an Air Purifier

Also, you could invest in an air filtration system. With an air purifier, your air will will be cleared of dust and animal dander, which you just know that meddling aunt would complain about if she sneezed!


Last but not least, when it comes to indoor air quality, do what the Pilgrims did: DUST! Wipe stuff off! Clean your air vents, too. That will help prevent dust particles from traveling through your home on the big day!

Call Us for Thanksgiving Maintenance

So even if nobody likes Cousin Bill’s cranberry sauce, and Aunt Mabel and Uncle Steve can’t stop arguing about politics…you’ll be able to rest easier knowing that preparing your HVAC system and improving air quality was worth it. At least you’ve been the best host for your Thanksgiving party that you can be. While we here at H.A. Sun won’t be able to help you with the big day, we wish you the best of luck!

If you need any maintenance before Thanksgiving, that’s something we can help you with: schedule an appointment or call us at (248) 986-1506!

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