Summer HVAC Checklist - Sun Heating & Cooling, Inc.

Summer HVAC Checklist

HVAC system

The summer warm up is going to be in full effect for Michigan soon, so it’s better to be over prepared than not prepared at all! A part of this preparation process is getting your HVAC system, specifically your air conditioner, ready for battling the heat after all these months of cold weather. Here are four things you should remember this summer season!

A/C Unit

Just like everything else, the unit will breakdown andwon’t operate smoothly without proper maintenance. After extended periods of use, parts can wear out or break. Withoutregular maintenance, the main reason for your entire A/C system, the cooling factor, will become less efficient, making it work harder and harder to keep your home cool. And, the last thing anyone wants is a higher utility bill.

Air Ducts

It’s important to keepthe system that transports clean, cool air into your home free of any dirt, debris, or allergens that may have been trapped after a long year. Dirty air ducts are a health risk for you and your family and can leave an unnecessary strain on your system, so make sure to get them cleaned regularly!

Change That Air Filter

Similar to your air ducts, your air filter can become clogged and bogged down with dirt and debris. When you regularly change your air filter, you will be setting thesystem up for success, allowing air to flow freely through it and cool your home efficiently. Changing the filter is an easy task, but it is also one that is most commonly forgotten. Take the time to switch out that filter and cross it off of your checklist.

Schedule a Tune-Up

After a long winter giving your system the needed attention it deserves is a must! Call your friends at Sun Heating & Cooling to have a professional come out and inspect your unit. This will give you the peace of mind that your system will run smoothly all summer long.

If you live in the Bloomfield Hills area and are in need of an HVAC tune-up or any other services we offer, call us at (248) 986-1506 or schedule an appointment online today!

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