All About Spring Allergies - Sun Heating & Cooling, Inc.

All About Spring Allergies

spring allergies and home air quality

Let’s break down what’s behind spring allergies, how allergens infiltrate your home’s air, and proven solutions to breathe easier this season!

If you dread the onset of spring because it triggers miserable allergy symptoms, you’re not alone. Many people see their allergies flare up this time of year due to common seasonal allergens. But what can be done about it inside your home?

What causes spring allergies?

In spring, trees and plants release pollen into the air to fertilize other plants. For those with sensitivities, pollen acts as an allergen, triggering an immune response. Grass pollens emerge later in spring and can also spark allergies. Mold growth blooms in spring as temperatures rise and rainfall increases. Like pollen, airborne mold spores are another leading seasonal allergen.

Some people have an overactive immune system that sees these allergens as a threat and releases antibodies like histamine. This causes inflammatory reactions like sneezing, runny nose, congestion, and other common allergy symptoms. Those with asthma may experience worsened attacks when allergies flare up.

How allergens get into your home’s air

While time outdoors exposes you directly to airborne pollen and mold, these allergens can also infiltrate indoor air through open windows, doors, vents, gaps, and your HVAC system. Allergens caught in clothing and hair also track inside. Carpets and upholstery then collect allergens that accumulate and circulate back into the air.

Temperature and humidity levels inside your home impact how long allergens remain viable. Warmer conditions and humidity caused by activities like showering allow allergens to thrive. Poor ventilation and stale air then concentrate their presence. No wonder spring allergies seem impossible to escape!

Proven solutions for allergy relief

To combat spring allergies, the key is reducing allergen levels in your indoor air. Start by closing windows and running the AC to filter outside air entering your home. Frequently wash bedding and vacuum carpets using a HEPA filter vacuum.

Investing in an effective whole-home air purifier can also go a long way to remove allergens. The cutting-edge iWave-R purifier uses bipolar ionization technology to actively treat indoor air. As air passes over the unit, ions produced reduce allergens like pollen, mold, dander, and dust. This makes the air cleaner and healthier to breathe. Users report major allergy relief thanks to medical-grade filtration.

The iWave-R is also self-cleaning and maintenance-free, operating at peak performance all year. It seamlessly integrates into existing ductwork for whole-home protection. This makes it the perfect proactive solution to get a handle on spring allergies. Breathe easy and enjoy the sights and smells of spring again!

Do you want to take control of your allergies instead of letting them control you this season? We’re happy to tell you more about the iWave or assist with any of your home cooling needs. Contact us today or give us a call: (248) 986-1506

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