Make your Home Smell Amazing - Sun Heating & Cooling, Inc.

Make your Home Smell Amazing

Happy self-determined woman

Baking a dozen cookies makes your home smellamazing but you don’t want to do that every day to get that sweet scent to fillyour home. And the winter weather hinders you from throwing your doors andwindows open to let the outdoor smells in. Consider trying these easy DIYoptions that fill your home with a fresh and clean scent.

Turn your bath into a spa with Eucalyptus

Try hanging a few sprigs of eucalyptus in thecorner of your shower for an authentic spa smell. The steam from your showerwill release the scent from the branches and fill the room with its relaxingscent.

Craft an Orange Clove Pomander

If you want your home to smell like a bakerymixed with the holidays, give this natural air freshener a try. Pierce the skinof an orange in several places and stud with cloves. As the fruit dries, itreleases a sweet and spiced scent. For more intricate ways to make this, checkout the directions here.

Citrus Diffuser for the Sink

There is a funky smell coming from the garbagedisposal…again. But if you have any citrus around, you also have a naturaldiffuser on hand. Run some orange, lemon or lime peels through the disposal.The citrus smell will circulate through your sink to make it smell fresh andclean.

Regular Filter Changes

Changing out your filters regularly allows your system a refresh. Odor-causing build-up is created in your air filters over time and not changing them regularly can fill your home with a funky smell. Once changed, your filter can do a great job of catching more air contaminants and your home will smell great again.

If you do not feel like your home is refreshing fully, you can always hire a professional to check out your ventilation system. Having your air ducts cleaned and system tuned-up will make sure your system is in good shape to circulate clean air. If you would like to know more about general maintenance, contact a local HVAC company like Sun Heating & Cooling.

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